
What Does a Speech Therapist Do?

There are several reasons a person might choose to work with speech therapist. For example, it could help with fluency, social communication, dysarthria, or swallowing disorders. Whatever the case, a person’s speech therapist will work with them to determine the cause of the problem and treat it.

Child_Development speech therapist AdelaideArticulation therapy

Articulation therapy is a treatment that focuses on the correct production of speech sounds. It can help children improve their speaking skills and confidence.

This therapy is usually given twice a week for about half an hour. Depending on the child’s needs, it may last several months or even a few years.

After the evaluation, the speech-language pathologist will outline a specific treatment plan. It may include a series of articulation exercises incorporating play and repetition elements. They may also use sensory feedback, such as visual and verbal prompts to aid the process.

Articulation therapy is not for the faint of heart. A child must be able to heed cues and pay attention. Some children may be able to move quickly through the steps of articulation therapy, while others might need more time to learn the proper production of the target sound.

Typical treatment for an articulation disorder involves repetitive practice of the problematic sound. In addition, it can lead to frustration and low self-esteem. Therefore, parents may need to participate in their child’s articulation therapy actively.

There are many different articulation therapy exercises. Many are age-appropriate. These activities include modelling correct syllables for the child, practising the proper movement of the tongue, and reading stories.

Another articulation therapy exercise relates to the speech-language pathologist’s ability to pronounce a word correctly. For example, the therapist might show a card with actual words.

Articulation therapy is a long-term treatment that requires a commitment on the part of the child. While the process is not a quick fix, it can benefit a child’s overall development.


Dysarthria speech therapists work with children who have dysarthria. It is a nervous system disorder affecting the brain and speech muscles. It is generally diagnosed during the first five years of life. Symptoms of the disease vary depending on the age of the child.

Children with erased dysarthria are usually unable to imitate various sounds. They have problems with syllable synthesis, sound synthesis, and pronunciation of complex sounds. As a result, their voice takes on a nasal tone.

They have difficulty eating, speaking, and developing cultural skills during childhood. As a result, they may withdraw from social situations. For example, they do not want to fasten their shoes or roll their sleeves. Some even dislike carrots or hard apples.

The causes of dysarthria in children are not entirely known. Generally, the disorder is believed to be caused by organic damage to the central nerve-noise system. However, other neurological diseases can also contribute to the development of dysarthria.

Fluency disorders

Stuttering is a fluency disorder that causes interruptions in the flow of speech. It affects people across their lifespans.

There are several possible reasons for stuttering. Although scientists have not pinpointed the exact cause, it may involve genetic factors and neurological issues. In addition, some experts believe that it is a psychological condition and that emotions trigger it.

Speech therapy can be helpful for people with stuttering. It involves working on strategies to improve speech and reduce anxiety. The treatment is usually personalised for each client’s goals.

When treating fluency disorders, a healthcare provider can diagnose the disorder by reviewing symptoms, a family history, and a comprehensive speech evaluation. They will also talk to the child’s family and teachers.

A healthcare provider can refer the patient to a speech-language pathologist (SLP). SLPs are trained in diagnosing and treating individuals with fluency disorders.

There are many different techniques for treating fluency disorders. While some methods can improve speech clarity, others focus on improving a person’s articulation.

Swallowing disorders

Child_Development speech therapist Adelaide treats patients with various swallowing disorders, including dysphagia, esophageal problems, and difficulty chewing. These conditions can lead to complications such as coughing, choking, dehydration, and weight loss.

Depending on the specific cause of your swallowing disorder, a treatment plan can include medicines, dietary modifications, safe swallowing strategies, or surgical intervention. Surgery is often used to treat esophageal blockage, which occurs when a piece of food blocks the passage to the esophagus.

Other causes of dysphagia are neurological disorders and developmental delays. Dysphagia can also be caused by cancer of the mouth or throat.

You should see a doctor if you have trouble swallowing or experience frequent coughing, wet or gurgling voice, or choking. Your doctor will perform tests to determine the cause of your symptoms.

When you have difficulties eating or drinking, it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. It can also cause problems with your diet and chest health.

Social-communication disorders

Social-communication disorders affect children’s ability to communicate. A speech therapist can help improve the social skills of these patients. They can work with the child in individual or group sessions. The therapist may also provide strategies for the child to improve communication skills.

It is important to remember that social-communication disorders are not signs of autism. However, they can have some of the same characteristics as autism. For instance, they have difficulty understanding non-verbal language and are slow to reach language milestones.

Children with SCD have problems with non-verbal communication and can have trouble interpreting the meaning of stories and other narratives. They might also be sensitive to certain textures and sounds.

Social-communication disorders are relatively new disorders. However, it is a growing area of research and treatment. Several clinics and hospitals offer therapy as part of special education initiatives. In addition, some speech-language pathologists can work directly with the child to help them with their social-communication needs.

Using the Test of Pragmatic Language can be a helpful way for your child to get an assessment of their abilities. This test can measure your child’s verbal and non-verbal language skills.

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