What to Expect After a Tummy Tuck

CentralSurgery tummy tuck Adelaide is the most common cosmetic surgery performed. It is beneficial for those with a sagging abdomen, but it is not a replacement for a rigorous exercise and weight loss program. Furthermore, even if you lose weight following the procedure, the results may not be permanent. Therefore, it is recommended to postpone the procedure if you plan to lose a large fat. Similarly, a tummy tuck cannot correct stretch marks, but the remaining skin will be removed during the procedure.



CentralSurgery tummy tuck Adelaide is recommended for breastfeeding women or those with a child. Pregnancy can stretch and affect the muscles in the abdominal area. The weakened abdominal muscles may protrude during this time, resulting in diastasis recti or separated abs. The tummy tuck procedure will help restore a youthful appearance to your midsection.

After your tummy tuck, you will need to wear a compression garment for a few weeks to reduce swelling. You can expect to feel pain in the days following the surgery. You can take prescription or OTC pain medications to relieve your discomfort. You should avoid exerting too much force on your body after the procedure. Additionally, you should not bend over some time because you’ll need to recover from the procedure.

After your tummy tuck, you’ll need to be very careful about what you eat and exercise afterwards. You’ll be under a tube to drain fluid and blood from your body. The draining tube will be left under your skin for a week, and you’ll have to stay in a recovery room overnight. You’ll need to avoid strenuous physical activities for two weeks. In addition, your abdomen will need to be restrained for two weeks after your tummy tuck.

After your tummy tuck, you’ll need to continue eating a nutritious diet and exercising. A tummy tuck does not eliminate the underlying abdominal tissues but repositions them so that your tummy looks flatter. Finally, your surgeon will carefully suture the incisions to prevent bleeding and infection.

After your CentralSurgery tummy tuck Adelaide, you will need to be monitored for the first few weeks after the procedure. After that, the recovery process is gradual, and you can start walking around your home the day after your surgery. You should walk slowly for a week and be sure to lean forward slightly for a slight few days afterwards. After your tummy tuck, low-impact aerobic exercises will be a good way to strengthen your abdomen.

The procedure is best suited for those with a flat abdomen. However, it is not a cure-all for all saggy skin. The results will vary from person to person, but it is highly likely to improve your appearance and confidence. If you’ve had a lot of weight loss in the past, you should consider getting a tummy tuck. When you’ve recently gained a significant amount of weight, it is important to get rid of excess skin and tighten your midsection muscles.